Monica Verbeek

Dr. Monica Verbeek is the Executive Director of Seas At Risk, the Brussels-based European association of environmental non-governmental organisations concerned with the protection and restoration of the marine environment. It addresses issues ranging from marine litter, fisheries and shipping to cross-sectoral EU level initiatives such as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Blue Growth. Monica Verbeek also serves as vice president of the South Western Waters Regional Advisory Council for fisheries, and as steering group member for the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition.

Before joining Seas At Risk, Monica Verbeek worked as an independent marine environmental consultant, and as a biodiversity campaign coordinator for Greenpeace Netherlands. During her extensive experience with marine environmental campaigns, stretching back to the early 1990s, Monica Verbeek was successful in pushing for marine environmental protection policy decisions at national, European, regional (North East Atlantic) and UN level.

Before joining the environmental movement, Monica Verbeek was trained as a biologist and worked as a researcher; she holds a Masters degree in biology (received with honours) and a PhD degree in behavioural ecology from the Wageningen University in the Netherlands.

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